We have moved down the
to bigger space east of
Laurelwood Public House and
Need a
Clever Decorating Idea for the 4th of July?
The Fourth of July is just
around the corner so why not try out one of these quick and easy
decorating ideas to show your patriotic party sense.
1. Make large bouquets of red, white, and blue balloons. Tie
them together with ribbon streamers.
2. Visit Distinctively Home and pick up our patriotic "God
Bless America" hanging sign.
3. Tie red striped fabric around a chair. Tie blue fabric in a
bow around red striped fabric for accent on the back of the chair.
4. Red, white, and blue sprinkles are not just for ice cream.
Pour a layer of each color in a clear glass vase then place a candle inside for
patriotic lighting.
Cover various size tin cans with red, white, and blue gift wrap or scrapbook
paper. Place flowers, food, or utensils in them for a festive buffet
Distinctively Home Interiors
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